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Sixty-six Angair members attended the Annual Dinner at the Golf Club at the end of June, and many said how much they had enjoyed the meal and the speaker, Paul Thompson.

Paul designed the first stage of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Cranbourne, and brought us up-to-date with Stage 2.  He showed some very recent pictures of the site (taken the day before), and made us feel keen to visit the new area when all is completed, probably by autumn of next year.

The Committee has decided to hold next year’s Annual Dinner at a similar time in June 2012.

Angair is sending in a submission to the Surf Coast Shire on the Anglesea Pathways Review, with our recommendations on where new pathways should be, and what type of material would best suit the area and the environment.

Helen Tutt has been nominated as Angair’s representative on the Surf Coast Shire’s Anglesea Riverbank Improvement Project.

Errata: In the July Newsletter, the World Environment Day weeding was said to be on Alcoa land; in fact it was on Anglesea Heath, managed by Parks Victoria. We apologise for the mistake.

The Wildflower and Art Show is coming soon, 24 and 25 September. Setting up takes place on Thursday, 22 and Friday, 23 September, so if you could assist on any of the four days, please call Helen Tutt on 5263 1227. If anyone has a card table, which is no longer being used, and which they would like to donate to Angair, please call Helen.