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The biennial Hooded Plover count was conducted on the weekend of 13 and 14 November, with the Angair Bird Group surveying the area of coast between Point Addis and Spout Creek. The results of the count for the entire area have not yet been compiled.

However, during the survey, two Hooded Plovers were recorded on the beach near the mouth of the Anglesea River, and two adults and one juvenile were found in the roped-off section at Point Roadknight.

Apart from the official count, observations of Hooded Plover activity have revealed that the nest at Point Addis is due to hatch soon. Monitoring is currently being undertaken by Richard Fossett from Parks Victoria; however, we do need more volunteers to assist with monitoring at both Point Addis and/or Point Roadknight sites. This is a critical stage for the Hooded Plovers, particularly with the coming summer holiday season and the many pressures that brings to the shore-nesting birds.

If any of our readers are able to spend some time monitoring in these areas, please contact me, at or Meghan Cullen (Birds Australia)

A family of Olive-backed Orioles consisting of two adults and two juveniles have been seen at Aireys Inlet. There is real concern about the Spring burns and the potential damage to habitat and nesting birds. A Painted Button Quail has been sitting on a nest with four eggs near Tanners Road. A recent burn through the area went very close to
where the bird is sitting. The nest is a being monitored, and Trevor Pescott is going in to check that the bird is still there. Also, close by, a Southern Boobook has been seen twice in the same tree, and Trevor thinks it may have eggs in one of the tree hollows. These burns, while considered necessary for asset protection and towns, can be devastating for some of our wildlife.

During the hot weather, it is ecommended that you place shallow containers of fresh drinking water in your garden. Our native animals will certainly appreciate it.