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A small group of eight people attended the Walk. We organised vehicles to drive to Erskine Falls then back to Blanket Leaf Picnic ground for morning tea prior to the commencement of our walk at approximately 10.30. Weather conditions were overcast and cool but quite pleasant for bushwalking. The forest throughout is very green and lush and the large fern fronds were growing across the track almost creating a barrier in some places.


Some bird calls along the way, but sightings were few because of the dense vegetation. Spotted Pardalote, White-browed Scrubwrens, Yellow Robins, Grey Fantails could be heard. Some of the group observed a Bassian Thrush foraging in the forest litter deep in a fern gully.

We were also able to spend the time examining some of the less familiar, wet forest plants along the way, such as Rough Coprosma, Coprosma hirtella, with its large red berries, Stinkwood Ziera arborescens in flower, Banyalla, Pittosporum bicolor with large red fruit capsules, and White Elderberry Sambucus gaudichaudiana, with a cluster of berries. Further along a clear view of a koala sitting on an exposed eucalypt branch some fifty metres from the track.

whiteelderberryWhite Elderberry

We also came across specimens of fungi growing in some of the damper areas including a particularly unusual basket fungus. It could have been Garden fungus Colus pusillis – very attractive bright yellow colour and an unusual shape.

basketfungusUnusual basket fungus

We arrived at Erskine Falls carpark at 12.30 where we had lunch.


Ross Davey joined the group and we headed to the Donation box. A ribbon was draped around, then cut, as the donation box and sign were declared ‘Officially Opened’.

ceremonyRibbon-cutting ceremony

It was a belated event, but we enjoyed the occasion. Then after viewing the Falls, we made our way home.


Kaye Traynor