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The group enjoyed a summer evening in the forest having a barbecue tea before the spotlighting activity.

It was great to have some of our younger members join us for this special occasion.

Some of the early arrivalsSome of the early arrivals

Enjoying the BBQ tea waiting for the evening sky to darken.

Group enjoying the BBQ

As we approached the feeding tree we had discovered before that night, the sky became darker and we could hear some of the nocturnal calls of the forest including the Boobook Owl.

Group waiting for gliders to appear
Group waiting for gliders to appear

We watched enthralled as about seven of these delightful little creatures entertained us as they moved up and down the trunk of the tree and amongst the foliage – volplaning between trees and then returning to feed on the sap exuding from the cuts in the trunk of the tree made by the larger Yellow-bellied Gliders. As young Ollie said ‘They are cuties!’

sugar glider

sugar gliders

Sugar Gliders (Photos by Marg Lacey)

Perhaps because there were so many of us and although very quiet but obviously in the glider territory, the Yellow-bellied Gliders did not appear while we were there. Perhaps they would have come once we had departed as we heard some of their distinguishing calls, and Patrick, Janet and young James had a good viewing of one near the Picnic Ground when they left a little earlier than the main group.

However it was indeed a magical evening and it was really great to be able to share the experience with some of our younger members.

Margaret MacDonald