Late winter is a fascinating time for birdwatchers in the Surfcoast. As daylight hours slowly increase, many species that flock together over winter begin to pair up and (re-)establish their breeding territory.
Masked Lapwings have established their ground-based nest and their piercing metallic call warning off intruders is a familiar sound from June-October.

Masked Lapwing juvenile
Hooded Plovers spend winter in small flocks along the ocean beaches and in August pairs get together to prepare for breeding from September to January. Parrots, lorikeets and cockatoos typically nest in hollows with a breeding season that usually runs from late winter to early summer. Competition for suitable hollows is fierce. It is a common sight to see a pair carefully inspecting potential hollows early in the season.

Rainbow Lorikeet
August is a great time to spend time observing this critical period in bird behaviour, either in the wetlands, ocean beaches or our dry forests.
Rob Shepherd