The annual dinner was a great success.
Thanks to all those who came and to our guest speaker, John Lenagan, whose knowledge of the local environment is impressive at many levels. The movie style presentation was novel and allowed many photos to be displayed in a short time.
Good news: the Bill to add 89 percent of the Anglesea Heath (previously leased by Alcoa) to the Great Otway National Park, has been introduced into the Victorian parliament and should be considered in the Upper House in August.
Alcoa and Anglesea Futures held open sessions on Sunday, June 11. Alcoa released its draft mine rehabilitation plan for consultation. The draft plan is available at and submissions are encouraged. The planned outcome is a large lake filling the mine void. On the south and west side of the mine, vegetation will need to be removed to adjust the slope. The soil will be redistributed to other sites around the mine as a seed bank. Most of the south side will be grassed as this is the most effective way to stabilise the site. Provision has been made for walking and/or cycling tracks and other public facilities.
Anglesea Futures is seeking submissions on the future use of the remaining 11 percent of crown land. Submissions can be made at Angair will be making a short presentation at the open session on Sunday, June 25.
Angair’s position is that sites in the heathland that are of very high ecological value should be identified (for example, the Bald Hills area) and set aside for permanent protection. Angair recognises that some of the area will be used for passive and active recreation but very high value sites should be protected. Offsets will be required for parts of the heath used to stabilise slopes. Members are encouraged to take an active part in these deliberations about the future use of the land.
Peter Forster