This walk was designed to cater for the physical capabilities of two groups. Twenty-two people met at Blanket Leaf Picnic Ground. Being in the Easter holidays five younger people, being grandchildren of older walkers. were welcome participants.
The group was keen to set off, and soon started to walk down Cora Lynn Track (No 18 in the Friends Walk Book).
It was a pleasant easy walk, mainly downhill to the Cora Lynn Cascades. Those in front at the beginning disturbed a large owl that flew down the track ahead of the group. The trees towered overhead and the large buttresses of the Mountain Ash, the tallest flowering plant in the world, were greatly admired.
Morning tea was had at the Cascades with the backdrop of tree ferns and flowing water.
At the cascades Lachie divided the larger group into two smaller groups.
Photo by Lynn Bunning
The keen walkers were to walk down the Cora Lynn creek through the gorge.
Photo by Jon Brown
This track is quite treacherous with numerous creek crossings and wet slippery rocks and fallen trees. But from then on the track improved through the tree fern lined river valley with many tall Manna Gums.
Photo by Lynn Bunning
Lunch was had on a log in a delightful clearing among the tree ferns.
Photos by Jon Brown
There were some delightful views of the gorge with the sunlight filtering through the tree ferns.
Crossing the access road to the Allen Dam the group continued to the junction of the creek with St George River, crossing the dry St George River by bridge. Phantom Falls was dry – Barwon Water obviously not releasing any water from the dam, thus relying on Cora Lynn Creek to supply the water for downstream St George River.
Some walkers took the opportunity to pick their own apples from the orchard through which the track passes, relying on an honour system to weigh and pay for the produce. Arrival back at Allenvale at 2.30 p.m. we were met by some of the other group of walkers with their cars to transport us back home.
In the meantime the less keen walkers were on their way back up the quite steep track returning to Blanket Leaf picnic ground where they had lunch– Sophie was a great leader.
Photo by Jon Brown
The younger members on the creek walk stated that the walk was the best they had ever had.
Lachie Richardson/Margaret MacDonald