Victor Hurley, from the Victorian Peregrine Project, spent a few days in this area checking on nesting Peregrine Falcons.
In past years he has concentrated on banding chicks. However, this year, he is monitoring the adults by checking leg bands. This knowledge will help him learn where the parent birds have been, and if they have moved into new territory and nesting sites, which, in some cases, have been made vacant by the death of a resident bird. He has also noticed that, this year, the most common prey species, judging from remains around the nest site, appears to be Quail.
For some reason, between September and October this year, we have particularly observed larger groups of Pacific Herons in flight. The flight takes the form of gliding and soaring, similar to flocks of Ibis wheeling and moving across the sky. In late October, near Anglesea, we were very surprised to see a flock of approximately fifty Pacific Herons flying in large circular formations as they moved across the sky. It is unusual to see so many all together.
A small group went into the forest at Moggs Creek with Pete the Possum Man on 8 November, and members were thrilled to see an immature Yellow-bellied Glider volplane onto a tree above their heads, and stay feeding on the tree. Other calls were heard in the distance, indicating that the gliders are present in the area. It is good to know that these great creatures have returned following the fuel control burn, which was carried out in March this year. It was also interesting to see that a Sulphur Crested Cockatoo had chosen to make its nest in a hollow in a tree, where previously Sugar Gliders had been sighted. The young cockatoo was perched at the entrance, looking down on the people as they walked the track. Thanks to Pete for leading the group.
A Moggs Creek resident has had the magical experience of watching two adult Buff-banded Rails rear their young family of three chicks. He commented that they were very secretive. The nest is usually just a cup of grass and leaves in tussock or sedge, so they have chosen a very suitable and, hopefully, safe habitat. He couldn’t believe just how quickly the young birds were growing.
A new nest for Hooded Plovers has been found at Aireys Inlet. There are three eggs in the nest, so we hope the adult birds are successful in hatching the eggs, and raising their young. GORCC has erected signage in the area, in an attempt to provide protection for the family. This is the Plover’s second (or perhaps even third) attempt this season. Both the earlier attempts resulted in loss of the eggs. Both birds are banded: NS (on upper right leg), originally from Point Roadknight west, and Orange over metal (on left) and Red over White (on left), a bird originally from Kilcunda.
This Weedy Seadragon was photographed on the Angair October Track Walk, having been found by Jill Giles on the beach to the west of Point Addis.
During the hot days of summer, it is always a good idea or leave containers of fresh water in the garden. It will be very much appreciated by our native fauna.