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Now is the time to visit the coastal Wild Forests, so-called by the grandchildren of an Angair member, of our iconic Moonahs, Melaleuca lanceolata. In areas like Point Roadknight the picturesque twisting branches, which are so wonderful for children to climb, are now being enhanced by the massed flowering of small creamy-white bottlebrush flowers.



Try standing under a tree in flower on a warm sunny day, and enjoy the noisy chorus of bees seeking out the nectar bounty.

Moonah flowers

Moonah flowers

Our birds are similarly enjoying numerous food sources along the coast, such as the luscious clusters of burgundy berries on the male bushes of Seaberry Saltbush, Rhagodia candolleana subs. candolleana.

Seaberry Saltbush berries

Seaberry Saltbush berries

Also Sea-Box, Alyxia buxifolia, which I wrote about in December, are now having their white, twisted flowers replaced by single, showy, orange-red berries. And there is more: the sprinkling of single white berries on the bushes of Coast Beard-heath, Leucopogon parviflorus.

Coast Beard-heath berries

Coast Beard-heath berries

Ellinor Campbell