In coastal areas spreading bushes of White Correa, Correa alba var. alba, are displaying their white flowers with four spreading petals.
In our heathlands look out for bushes with the inhospitable yellowish-green spiky foliage of Prickly Geebung, Persoonia juniperina, as it may be hiding small tubular yellow flowers with unusual outward curling petals.
On the Angair nature ramble in March I thought I saw interesting ‘seed-pods,’ which I had not seen before, on some shrubs of Common Heath, Epacris impressa. A closer look revealed that they were actually dried-up flowers, which had clearly not survived the dry conditions.
Since then, I have seen other plants with lovely fresh tubular flowers.
We are so fortunate to be able to find individual specimens in flower all year somewhere in our district, and in a range of colours, from white to dark pink. The pale pink form is the flora emblem of Victoria.
Ellinor Campbell