The fifteen members who came along to join in the March nature ramble through the Salt Marsh on the edge of the Anglesea River near the estuary were certainly able to admire many of the flowers of this special area.
Rushes, saw-sedges, Creeping Brookweed with pinkish-white flowers, Shiny Swamp-mat with fan-shaped creamy flowers, patches of Beaded Glasswort with fleshy stems, white Grass Daisies, Sea Celery with clusters of white flowers, extensive patches of Creeping Monkey-flower with attractive mauve flowers, and one patch of Salt Pratia with its tiny, white star-like flowers all contributed to this area having been identified as of special scientific interest from a botanical viewpoint.

Shiny Swamp-mat

Creeping Monkey-flower

Admiring the Sea Rush
After many years of drought, when the area had become very degraded, it was just great to see it looking so healthy. It is certainly an area well worth visiting.

Amongst the Moonah
Margaret MacDonald