The Propagation unit re-opened in mid-January after a pleasant break. We hope that some of you were able to catch up with us at the Anglesea Twilight Market on the Australia Day weekend.
We have been busy since November seed collecting, and cleaning, recording and storing this very important resource. We have also started planting suitable seeds as summer is ideal for sowing species of the pea family, Fabaceae, such as the various Dilwynia, during the warmer weather.
As Easter is quite late this year, the first Members’ Sale will be on Sunday 6 April. As notified previously, we will not be at the Easter Riverside Market, but will endeavour to provide other opportunities for you to purchase your plants during the year, including the usual Members’ Sale before the annual wildflower show in September.

Plant sale
We have, unfortunately, needed to increase prices this year to cover increases in our costs. From January, our tubestock will be $3.50 per tube ($4.50 for non-members), and the large forestry tubes of Grasstrees or pea species will cost $7.00 ($9.00 for non-members).
Tracey Worsey