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Nine people joined in the July Bird Walk.  The weather was very overcast and rain was predicted.

When we arrived at Point Addis, the area was largely deserted with very little activity and not much birdlife except for a Great Cormorant  on the rocks below the point and a couple of Willy Wagtails at the carpark.  We walked down to the beach and from the gully we were able to observe a Nankeen Kestrel perched on the side of a cliff where it remained for some time and gave us an opportunity to observe it at fairly close range.

Nankeen Kestrel

Nankeen Kestrel

After  about 45 minutes spent at Point Addis we went on to Ironbark Basin and the nature trail hoping to be able to see a few more birds.   Some of the Ironbarks were in flower which attracted several honeyeaters.  Identification was difficult because of the dull light, however we did manage to see twenty three species during the morning.  As we walked back the rain set in.  Although the conditions weren’t ideal for birdwatching, it was still quite a pleasant walk.

Some of the birds on our list include:  Yellow-faced, White-eared, Brown-headed and New Holland Honeyeaters, Eastern Spinebills, Eastern Yellow Robin, Nankeen Kestrel and 20–30 Magpies mingling with about the same number of Little Ravens in an adjoining paddock.

Kaye Traynor