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Some Angair members spent three days in October with Year 9 students from Geelong College, to assist them in their environmental studies.

They were shown our indigenous plants at three sites, and were helped in their identification and bio-diversity properties. Many thanks to those who assisted, and especially to Margaret MacDonald, who spent many hours compiling plant lists, and taking ‘practice walks’ with the helpers.

The Committee of Management is looking at ways to improve the efficiency of Angair. Several small groups are to meet to discuss various aspects of change and implementation.

On behalf of the Committee I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas, we hope to see you at our “End of Year Celebration’ at Distillery Creek Picnic Ground and we look forward to your participation and support in the coming year.

Chris Morrissey

Membership Subscriptions

Angair subscriptions for the 2012 calendar year are due in January. This year, we are offering members the option of using direct debit as an alternative method of payment. This will help streamline the membership renewal process for Angair, and eliminate cheque writing and postage for members who use this system. Those members, who would prefer to pay by cheque or cash, will still be able to. All members will receive a letter in December with instructions on how to make payments by direct debit. A renewal form will be included, which can be used for cheque and cash payments, as in the past. We hope the new system will be of advantage to members.

Lynn Wallace-Clancy