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The complete list of over 1000 books in the Angair library can be found in the table below.

You can browse this list by clicking through each of the pages or enter a term in the search box to find what you are looking for. 

As you type, the list below will dynamically change to show you the results in real time. You can sort the list by clicking on any of the column headings. You can change how many items are displayed on each page using the option at the bottom of the list.

Any of the fields can be searched. For example, to find all books by an author, type in the author’s name in the search box; to search for a title, enter any word from the title in the search box. The more words you enter the shorter the list of results.

So start typing in the search box and see what you can find!

To return to the entire list, remove the term in the search box.

AuthorTitlePublication DateDeweySubject