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It is most unusual to see our landscape so green and wet at this time of the year. With the wetlands and river systems full to overflowing, it seems conditions are beneficial for wildlife, especially the birds.

Summer is also the time for garden spiders to appear in numbers.

They suspend their webs over bushes and across pathways. The Spiny Spider, sometimes known as the Christmas Spider or Jewel Spider, is very commonly seen during summer and autumn. They are often found in colonies, where they congregate to construct their own webs. When walking along tracks in the heathlands, it’s hard to avoid passing through one of their web structures. Another common spider at this time is the Leaf Curling spider, and these are easily recognisable, as they use a leaf suspended in the centre of their web for protection, mainly from birds.

The Hooded Plovers at the tip of Point Roadknight successfully reared their first chick. They have eggs in their second nest, which have now hatched.

Some recent interesting sightings to report:

  • A juvenile Osprey in Apollo Bay
  • A Common Koel in Anglesea. At about this time last year, there were reports of a Common Koel sighting at Gumflats. It is very unusual for these birds to be in this area, but maybe we are starting to see them here as summer migrants
  • A Brown Snake, first seen moving across the road, and then seeking refuge under a house at Anglesea
  • A Tawny-crowned Honeyeater in Anglesea Heath

Mike Traynor