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The spring Orange-bellied Parrot count was held on the weekend of 12 and 13 September. Five people from Angair took part in the survey at Hospital Swamp Wetlands.

The weather was perfect, no wind and mild conditions; we were hopeful that we might get a glimpse of Blue wings or OBPs in the saltmarsh areas. However the only parrots around during that morning were some Red rumped Parrots, and a pair of Eastern Rosellas. On the wetlands, we saw Black Swans, Swamp Hens, Chestnut Teal, and Swamp Harriers constantly coursing along the lakes and reed beds. A flock of Black-winged Stilts flew overhead in constantly changing formations, which was quite spectacular to see. We were also able to observe a pair of Black Swans, with a family of six very young cygnets, just moving through the sheltered areas of the wetlands. We also disturbed a Barn Owl, which was resting in a group of Moonahs.

The Hooded Plover breeding season has commenced with nesting activity and eggs at Point Roadknight and Moggs Creek. There will be updates throughout the next few months as we follow the progress of the Hooded Plovers, and hope for more successes this year.

There are still regular whale sightings, with several reports of whales and calves spending time just beyond the surf break along our coast, near Moggs Creek, Eastern View, Aireys Inlet and Anglesea.

As the temperatures rise in early spring, so do snake sightings and encounters. I did see a small Copperhead on the road near Breamlea. Also, a Brown Snake was spotted on a walking track near Forest Road.

There is a lot of bird nesting activity right now. Wattlebirds are searching for live food for their young. At times, I can see them taking spiders from around the window frames. And on the golf course, several pairs of Masked Lapwings have been harassing golfers.

Meanwhile, at Anglesea River, the Wood Ducks have young.

Kaye Traynor