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A very pleasant meander on the small track up the hill from the end of Ellimatta Rd, had us discovering many plants, as well as fungi.

Discussing the plants

Discussing the plants

The remaining grasstree flower stalks indicated they had flowered well after the recent fire. We enjoyed the tiny, gilled fungi and some lovely bracket fungi.

Belly Buttons

Belly Buttons

Almost at the top of the hill the paired leaves of Fringed Hare Orchids stood out with the patch extending quite a way along the track. It was a thrill to find two still in flower.

Fringed Hare Orchid

Fringed Hare Orchid

Fringed Hare Orchid leaves

Fringed Hare Orchid leaves

We headed off to the right along a muddy track and worried about the Phytophthora spreading with bikes regularly using the track.

Evidence of Phytophera in grasstree

Evidence of Phytophtora in grasstree

The view of the coast was enjoyed with pink Common Heath coming into flower in the foreground. On a short detour towards the coast, we discovered a few more plants including Propeller Plant and two flowering pea-type plants growing together, confusing us as we tried to identify them. We decided one was Showy Parrot-pea and the other Red Parrot-pea.

Red parrot-pea

Red parrot-pea

Returning to the car we all agreed it had been a fine morning of discovery.

Fungi and Sundews

Fungi and Sundews

Alison Watson