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What a difference a month makes when spring is approaching. A walk through the heathland off Jarosite Road, Southside, will reveal many floral treasures.

At the start of the walking track the profuse flowering of a Small-flowered Mat-rush, Lomandra micrantha subsp. micrantha, may catch your eye. The size of the flower stem, 20 cm high, and the number of flowers, indicate a male plant. Use of a hand lens will confirm the presence of stamens.

The relatively uncommon low-spreading form of Prickly Moses, Acacia verticillata subsp. ovoidea, can be found growing alongside this track. Look for the small, yellow cylindrical flowers and prickly leaves arranged in bundles or alternately along the stem.

Prickly Moses

Prickly Moses (Image: Ellinor Campbell)

The bright yellow flowers of Silky Guinea-flower, Hibbertia sericea, ensures this plant stands out.

Silky Guinea-flower

Silky Guinea-flower (Image: Gail Slykhuis)

The Erect Guinea-flower, Hibbertia riparia, will also compete for your attention. When comparing the two, the flowers of the Erect Guinea-flower are slightly smaller and the plant has a twiggy growth habit.

Erect Guinea-flower

Erect Guinea-flower (Image: Gail Slykhuis)

Gail Slykuis