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Angair celebrated World Environment Day on 6 June, with a working bee on Alcoa land near the new primary school site.

Twenty children from the school assisted in removing boneseed, with help from our members, Friends of Eastern Otways, Parks Victoria and Alcoa personnel. The children were very enthusiastic and helped remove thousands of the weed, but, unfortunately, there are still many boneseed left. Many thanks to everyone for their hard work.

After lengthy negotiations with Parks Victoria, the Friends of Eastern Otways now have the final designs and quotes for seven new signs to be erected on the Distillery Creek Nature Trail. Angair is contributing $2,250 towards their cost. The money will come from the Angair Fund – this is money which has been donated by members and kept separate from the everyday account. Thank you to everyone who has made a donation – it is greatly appreciated.

We are looking forward to the publishing of Enid Mayfield’s second book, Flora of the Otway Plain. Her first book was on monocotyledons, and this one is on the dicotyledons – the herbs, shrubs and trees of the area. It will be a great source of information, so the committee has agreed to donate $2000 towards its publication.

Margaret MacDonald has met with the Surf Coast Shire regarding the publication of a new and comprehensive weed book, to include agricultural weeds and many more species than are in the current book. Some of the committee have had input in to the weeds they consider should be included. It is hoped to have the new book ready in time for the Wildflower and Art Show on Saturday, 24 and Sunday, 25 September.

Chris Morrissey