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We were blessed with perfect weather for the November walk, after unpleasant conditions on previous days.

We started part way along the Aireys Inlet Clifftop walk, and admired a very fancy new seat recently installed by the Great Ocean Road Coast Committee (GORCC).

 The seat
The seat

It was perfectly situated to look out over the sea towards Eagle Rock off Step Beach. There were not many flowers to see until near the inlet where bushes of the Sea Box Alyxia buxifolia were displaying their delightful tiny, white windmill-like flowers.

Sea Box
Sea Box

We also heard the ringing tones of a pair of Bristlebirds calling to each other. At Painkalac Creek we went inland along the Surfcoast walk and up to Fairhaven Beach.

 Near Painkalac Creek
Near Painkalac Creek

We admired the planting that had been done beside the pathway, which had previously been lined with woody weeds.

We took the first track to the beach and noted the difference between the introduced Marram Grass Ammophila arenaria and the indigenous Spinifex Spinifex sericeus. Our pace picked up as we walked along the nice flat beach until we reached Moggs Creek. We had morning tea just around the corner, and out of sight of, a pair of Hooded Plovers who had two eggs in a nest in the inlet. We glimpsed them, but did not go too near as we did not want to disturb them.

 Morning tea
Morning tea

A bit further along the beach we went up and across the Great Ocean Road to a path which climbs up to a lookout. We were surprised at the number of plants in flower here, including the Branching Fringe Lily Thysanotus juncifolius.

 Branching Fringe Lily
Branching Fringe Lily

After the steep climb we were pleased to stop and admire the spectacular view, looking right along the coast towards the Aireys Inlet lighthouse to the north, and Lorne to the south.


View to the south
View to the south

 View to the north
View to the north

We finally tore ourselves away from the view and continued along the lower half of the circuit track to Moggs Creek picnic ground.

 Moggs Creek circuit track
Moggs Creek circuit track

We were disappointed not to see any Hyacinth Orchids, but there were lots of echidna diggings, and some lovely Grass -trees. On reaching the picnic ground we had lunch at the picnic tables there, before quickly doing the Nature walk.


We were farewelled by a pair of Gang-gang Cockatoos munching happily on low foliage near our cars, a very nice finish to the day.

Gang Gangs farewell
Gang Gangs farewell

Ellinor Campbell