It is good to find an area so near Anglesea with many unusual plants. The area we walked was through was Alcoa leasehold, owned by the Golf Club.
It is highly contaminated by a wide variety of weeds but among those are patches of healthy beautiful indigenous plants. We started at the end of Golf Links Road and walked along the south west track.
The ground cover plants were mainly Patersonia fragilis Short Purple-flag, Hypolaena fastigiata Tassel rope-rush, Leptospermum myrsinoides Silky Tea-tree and Allocasuarina misera Dwarf Shea-oak.
Showy Parrot-pea, Silky Tea-tree, Slender Sheoak and many others!
Taller than these were some very colourful plants. We first saw Dillwynia glaberrima Smooth Parrot-pea, the most open species of this genera.
Smooth Parrot-pea
Next, some large species of Pimelea linifolia, Slender Rice-flower well above the bracken. The next surprise was some beautiful examples of Aotus ericoides, mistakenly called Common Aotus.
As this area was burnt 18 months ago the Xanthorrhoea australis, Auutral Grass-tree, had flower spikes and looked very healthy. Further along, were good examples of Conospermum mitchellii, Victorian Smoke-bush with its terminal white flowers. Eucalyptus falciformis Shining peppermint was in flower, and the smell of honey was obvious.
Shining Peppermint
The orchids included Thelymitra aristata, Great Sun Orchid and Thelymitra rubra Salmon Sun Orchid.
Great Sun Orchid
The track after about 500m turns back down under the power lines to the end of Golf Links Road. There were many more different indigenous plants along the track including Goodenia geniculata, Bent Goodenia with its cheery yellow flowers.
This area is very valuable, but needs lots of work. It is well worth an hour of your time to explore the area.
Bill McKellar
Photos by Margaret MacDonald