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Update on sale of Alcoa Power Station and Mine: Angair has been busy in the campaign to protect the Anglesea Heath.

Our President, Helen Tutt, spoke at a community meeting on Easter Sunday. Letters have been sent to all relevant Members of Parliament; some have responded. A delegation will meet with those who have responded, emphasising the biodiversity values of the Heath. Watch out for an article in Parkwatch, the VNPA magazine, which highlights the importance of the Heath to all Victorians.

Since writing this, we were disappointed to read in the newspapers that the “Essential Services Commission decided on Thursday (May 22) to give Alcoa, … a fresh licence to generate electricity and sell it into the electricity grid.”

Angair and Social media

Angair has a great website and Facebook page supported by Rod Brooks. Your committee has decided to make better use of social media to keep people up to date with various activities between newsletters. Please like Angair on Facebook and watch us develop this space.

Safety on walks

Walk leaders have asked your committee to update our walk safety procedures. They have been concerned about their responsibilities as leaders, and the weight of the first aid kit. We could learn from similar groups, and employ smartphone technology in emergency situations. Your committee has taken action as follows:

  • All Angair Leaders, whether leading walks, educational activities, or weeding programs are now indemnified under a policy taken out this month
  • We have lightened the hiker’s First Aid Kit [blue bag] in the Angair Office, and it should be taken on all Angair activities.
  • We strongly recommend that those with smart phones install the Red Cross First Aid app. It’s free. Those without smart phones should be aware of the 112 option in case of emergency.
  • We will be inviting walk leaders to a training session at 12.30 p.m. on Saturday, 5 July, commencing with lunch, where these matters will be further explained and elementary first aid training offered
Helen Tutt