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Welcome to our two new committee members, Sally White and Bill Clarke. I am sure they will make significant contributions to Angair.

The Professional Development Day for the Green Army members at the Anglesea Motor Yacht Club was well received and valuable to participants. Angair organised the day and provided lunch as a token of appreciation for weeding, propagation and other work the army has been undertaking.

As of March 31, Alcoa will no longer supply and treat the 4 megalitres per day of water provided to the Anglesea River. Committee members have attended meetings to discuss the future of the Anglesea River and issues associated with changed flow regimes. A study commissioned by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and Corangamite Catchment Management Authority has determined that up to 1 megalitre per day of water in summer would provide sufficient flow to allow the continuation of recreational water activities and maintain river health. The State Government is investigating short and long term solutions to provide the required flow.

Committee members also attended a facilitated DELWP meeting to provide feedback to the department so that it can better communicate and work with communities and community groups. To guide their employees the department will produce a community charter by the end of March.

At a meeting with DELWP staff to discuss progress on placing Alcoa leasehold land into the Great Otway National Park (GONP), we were reassured that steady progress is being made and that legislation to put as much land as possible into the Park will be ready later this year. Mine areas requiring rehabilitation cannot be included at this stage and there may need to be some setback from the mine edge for safety and engineering reasons. This does not preclude further parcels of land being added to the national park after rehabilitation is completed, which will take many years.

Thank you to the Surf Coast Shire (SCS) for replacing the roof on the Angair Natural History Centre. The tiles have been replaced with grey colourbond, which looks quite smart and should stop the leaks.

Peter Forster