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The Annual show is just around the corner. This is our major activity for the year, and will be held on September 22 and 23.

Annual Wildflower Weekend & Art Show

A few extra features have been added this year, including a live, interactive reptile display. We will also be making some places on the popular nature walks available for pre-booking, to accommodate those unable to get to the show early enough on the day to obtain tickets. Full details of the program, including entry forms for the Art Show and nature walk pre-booking information, are available on here.

We are always looking for volunteers to help with the show. Meeting and working with other members can be a very enjoyable experience. Setting up takes place on Thursday 21 and Friday 22, so if you could assist on these days or on the weekend please call Helen Tutt on 5263 1227

Tell your friends about the show, the wonderful displays of indigenous flowers, the guided walks, the indigenous plant on sale and much more.

Helen Tutt

Art Show

Five prizes, sponsored by Angair, will be awarded to entrants in this year’s Art Show.

  • Best Exhibit: $500
  • Best Australian Flora/Fauna Study: $500
  • Best Australian Natural Environment Study: $250
  • Most Creative: $250
  • Student Award: $250

In addition to the monetary prizes, Honourable Mention Certificates may be awarded.

The prizes are not acquisitive.

This year will be the inaugural award for secondary school students’ artwork at Angair’s Annual Wildflower Art Show. Apart from the chance to win a prize, the Art Show also represents a wonderful opportunity for students’ to exhibit their work to a wide audience. The Anglesea heathlands are of international significance, and our Wildflower Weekend attracts visitors from all over Australia.

Entry Forms for the Art Show are available on this page, or they are available from the Angair Natural History Centre, or from the Anglesea Art House, Cameron St, Anglesea.

Entries Close on Friday, 14 September 2012.

Enquiries: Jill Giles: Ph. 0459 061 312 email:

All proceeds from the Wildflower Weekend and Art Show are used to help protect our unique local environment.

Jill Giles

Angair Wildflower Weekend & Art Show Bookstall

It’s not too late to bring us your second hand books to sell at the Wildflower Show. Leave them either at the Angair Natural History Centre, or on the verandah of 51 Harvey Street, Anglesea. For Collection, call Mandy on 9818 5868. To all those people who have already responded so generously, “Thank you”.

Mandy Mitchell-Taverner


The library will be closed until further notice for re-cataloguing. If anyone wishes to use the library, could they please contact Helen, by phone 5263 1227, or email, or Mandy on 9818 5868 to arrange access.