Clean Up Australia is on Sunday, 3 March, and we hope many of you will come and help.
We are meeting at 9.15 a.m. at the Information Centre on the Anglesea Riverbank, for registration. Please bring your own gloves if you can, and wear sturdy shoes.
Bus Trip to Cranbourne Gardens
We have booked a 50-seat coach to go to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Cranbourne on Thursday, 2 May. This will leave the Angair office at 8.30 a.m. and should be back between 5.00 and 5.30 p.m. We will be met at the Gardens by their ‘Friends’, who will show us around. We hope to fill the bus, thus keeping the cost to $25 per person. There is no charge to enter the Gardens. If the coach is not filled by Angair, or Friends of Eastern Otways members and their friends, seats will be offered to members of Anglesea Men’s Shed and Torquay Probus Garden Group. There is a café at the Gardens, or plenty of places to picnic if you wish to BYO morning tea and lunch.
To book your seat, please send your name, contact number, and $25 per person to Ross Davey, P.O. Box 140, Anglesea 3230.
Information on Coastal Cliff Instability
The Great Ocean Road Coast Committee (GORCC) is seeking any historical accounts, photos or other information on cliff instabilities, rock falls or landslides, around the GORCC managed coastal area, to assist in understanding the risks the cliff pose.
If you can assist please contact GORCC 5220 5055
Official Launch of Friends of Eagle Rock Marine Sanctuary
Saturday, 23 March at 6.00 p.m. Great Escape Books, Aireys Inlet.
Special guest speaker: Marine conservation strategist, Pat O’Callaghan. Wine and nibbles provided.
Come along and join us – we promote understanding, passion and immersion in this amazing marine environment. A guided Rock Pool Ramble &/or Snorkel will be also be happening on the afternoon of Sunday, 24 March, depending on conditions. From Eco-Logic Education & Environment Services
From the AGM
President’s Report
2012 contained a number of highlights for Angair members:
- The Committee of Management decided to review our administrative procedures, and Angair has been extremely fortunate, obtaining expert advice from one of its members, Barbara Young Harding. Her report to the Committee recommended changes to administrative procedures, and indicated strategic approaches, to enable Angair to remain an effective champion of the Anglesea and Aireys Inlet natural environment. The Committee is implementing the administrative recommendations and we hope to have accomplished a significant part by mid-year. A small grant from the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities under its Grants to Voluntary Environment, Sustainability and Heritage Programs will help us to obtain some administrative assistance later this year.
- The new catalogue recorded on Angair’s computer was completed during the year, enabling better, and easier access to the extensive material in the Library, including the Mary D White Collection. This has been achieved by our Librarian, Mandy Mitchel-Taverner, and her band of helpers, who have spent many hours making the library more user friendly.
- Angair volunteers have continued working with the Anglesea Primary School, maintaining the 2011 plantings.
- At the Annual Wildflower Weekend it was pleasing to seeing the increasing number of children and parents and more visitors from outside our immediate area .
- Margaret MacDonald, represented Angair at the 2012 Landcare Conference in Geelong, and presented a paper with the title 42 years spent protecting a unique coastal environment.
Committee of Management for 2013 – Elected Friday, 22 February 2013.
- President: Helen Tutt.
- Vice-Presidents: Neil Tucker, Roger Ganly.
- Secretary: David Williams.
- Treasurer: Jeremy Lewis.
- Ordinary members of the Committee:
- Ellinor Campbell, Doug Dalton, Roger Ganly, Dot Hutton, Bill McKellar, Christine Morrissey, Carl Rayner and Christine Williams.
Lynne Rayner, though not on the Committee, will provide assistance to the Treasurer.
There are still vacancies on the Committee, and if anyone would like to nominate, please contact the President, Helen Tutt, or the Secretary, David Williams, via the Angair email,