From our August meeting:
- DSE have proposed new Fire Operations Plans for the area. Angair will be making a submission.
- The Australian Conservation Foundation are fighting four major conservation campaigns at once – The Murray Darling, Climate Change, Tasmanian Forests & South-west Marine Parks. Angair will donate $250 towards these campaigns. We will also donate $250 to Jirrahlinga Wildlife Sanctuary to help them, after the recent fire there.
- Angair will purchase a new computer for the office. Roger Ganly will organise this during the next few weeks.
- GORCC intends to produce a new Coastal Management Plan, and is seeking persons who would be willing to guide its development. If you are interested, contact GORCC on 03 5220 5055.
- A new organisation, the Otways Community Conservation Network (OCCN) has been formed to provide strategic guidance in controlling Boneseed and Bridal Creeper, both Weeds of National Significance (WONS), in the Eastern Otways, on both public and private land. OCCN’s objectives include bringing together government departments and agencies, conservation groups and other land managers, and coordinating their weeding programmes. A Steering Committee has been formed to manage OCCN’s operations, with representative from stakeholder groups, including Angair. The OCCN website has much more detail.
- As published in our August Newsletter, DSE has received funding, under the Caring for our Country Community Action Grants from the Commonwealth Government for removal of these weeds, and some of these funds will be available to other members of the OCCN. Luke Hynes, OCCN Project Facilitator, can be contacted via the OCCN website regarding funding and other matters.
Neil Tucker Vice President
Angair Remembers
Russell Hansen Died: 1 August 2011
Angair members were saddened to hear of the sudden death of Russell Hansen, a highly esteemed and respected Angair member. Russell was formerly a member of the Angair Committee, and his astute business knowledge enabled the organisation to make decisions with confidence and competence. His expertise and advice in financial matters were very highly valued. However, it is his friendship, his cheery smile and his warmth of character that will be most greatly missed. We thank Russell for his important contributions to Angair. Our sympathy is extended to Margaret and family at this time.