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There was a good turnout for the walk to the Currawong Falls near Airey’s Inlet on 30 November.

We set off from the Distillery Creek picnic area under a lightly overcast sky with the temperature at an ideal-for-walking 18 C or so.  The track is a gentle one, a circular trail of about 12 km undulating through beautiful and varied bush country.

Inspecting plants

We saw a profusion of wild flowers, most of them too small for my camera to record with any clarity.  And, in a welcome break from recent experience (for Jean and me at any rate) we encountered not a single snake!

There were many stops along the way, usually to examine a flower or orchid.

Cinnamon Bells Orchid

Cinnamon Bells Orchid

Angair members between them have a huge resource of botanical knowledge, and every plant we saw was indentified by someone.

Duck Orchid

Duck Orchid

I am not the best at remembering plant names, but this one is called, aptly enough, a Blue Pincushion:

Blue Pincushion

Blue Pincushion

Coffee time

Coffee time

the rarely seen white variant of the fringe lily

The rarely seen white variant of the Fringe-lily

The Currawong Falls barely merit their name compared to other local waterfalls such as Phantom Falls, or the Stevenson Falls near Forrest, but the surroundings are lovely, with tree ferns growing along the creek bed, and all water is precious in this land.

Ferns at the Falls

Flowers of the Christmas bush which blooms in December/January

Flowers of the Christmas bush which blooms in December/January

Silky Daisy-bush

Silky Daisy-bush

Appropriately enough, as we had just been to the Currawong Falls, back at our cars we found the picnic area occupied by a family of currawongs on the lookout for picnic scraps.  This one posed nicely for the camera:


After which we headed back to Torquay, in Jean’s and my case to join in the Relay for Life charity walk!

Robert Setterfield

Photos of orchids and white Fringe-lily by Ellinor Campbell. All other photos by Robert Setterfield