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The weather on this late August Saturday initially appeared ominous, and was very cold. However it turned out to be a still and clear day (good walking weather), and the plants were just stunning.


Flora panorama

Flora panorama

We passed through a number of habitats as we walked up and down hills, along a ridge with wonderful views to the sea, and finally through flat heathy woodland.

Yet another steep hill

Yet another steep hill

For most of the way the stand-out plant was Common Beard-heath Leucopogon virgatis. This was mixed in with a range of other plants, with our delightful Common Heath Epacris impressa standing out in all its various colours.

Beard Heath and Common Heath

Beard Heath and Common Heath

I was pleased to find a gorgeous Leafless Bitter-pea Daviesia brevifolia with its rich salmon/orange pea-flowers.

We wished we could have our own gardens looking so delightful.

Why can't our gardens look like this?

Why can’t our gardens look like this?

Later in the walk we were pleased to find some less common plants to our area…Showy Bossiaea B. cinerea, Narrow-leaf Bitter-pea Davesia leptophylla and Thin-leaf Wattle Acacia aculeatissima.

Showy Bossiaea

Showy Bossiaea

Thin-leaf Wattle

Thin-leaf Wattle

Taking a breather

Taking a breather

During morning tea and later we were not impressed by being joined by trail bikes, whose riders were presumably enjoying the deeply eroded track, mud and puddles.

Morning tea with an uninvited guest

Morning tea with an uninvited guest

Orchids were scarce for most of the walk, apart from their leaves, so we were pleased to find some Dwarf Greenhoods, Pterostylis nana in flower near the end of the walk.

Dwarf Greenhood

Dwarf Greenhood

Many of the less common plants were in the last section, which would make a good short walk for people wanting to see spring flowers. Anyone interested in doing so could enter Denham track from Number 2 Road, which is on the right when coming from Distillery Creek Road…not the entrance further on past Batson Track.

Thanks to Cheryl Weslau for organising this delightful walk.

Ellinor Campbell