Despite the threat of rain we had a pleasant walk following the Wildflower Track designated on the newly erected signs for the mountain bike trails near the corner of Forest Rd and Great Ocean Rd.
We made a good list of about 70 plants – few flowering but the massed Dusty Miller was impressive.
Lots of Dusty Miller
Everything looked fresh after the rain.
Dusty Miller
We saw very little evidence of Phytophora cinamomi on the tracks walked. We identified the Anglesea Grey-gum Eucalyptus litoralis, and discovered a lovely old Brown Stringybark Eucalyptus baxteri.
Identifying Anglesea Grey-gum
Flowering plants included a little Heath, Banksia, Prickly Broom-heath Monotoca scoparia, and Sword-sedge.
Flowering Sword-sedge
No orchids noticed.
Reindeer Lichen
This is a very pretty area to walk in and it will be beautiful to walk in spring.
Alison Watson