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The Orange-bellied Parrot survey season has come to an end, with our last count held on 8 September.

The overall result of the Bellarine survey was one adult OBP observed at Swan Bay. Our total for the year was four birds, which include two adults at Breamlea in July, and one juvenile at Aireys Inlet in April.

There were low numbers of Blue-winged Parrots reported during the latest surveys. A number of interesting observations were made, including  a Spotted Harrier at Breamlea, a White-bellied Sea-Eagle at Lake Connewarre, also a Caspian Tern, Black-winged Stilts, and, among many smaller birds in the local saltmarshes, White-fronted Chats.

The Peregrine Falcons  at Alcoa  have chosen, this year, a different area of the power station structure for a nesting site. The female, Ava, has chosen to nest on a ledge just under the seventh floor of the power station. The nest contains three eggs. This location is much more accessible than last year, so they will be more easily monitored. Progress reports and regular updates can be accessed on Alcoa Anglesea Peregrine Falcon Webcam 2012.

Other interesting sightings have been made during September:

  • Black Kites in flight near Spring Creek in Torquay.
  • About twenty Swift Parrots observed at Ocean Grove feeding, during the morning, in a flowering gum.
  • Black-tailed Native Hens at Aireys Inlet.
  • A report of an immature Northern Giant Petrel at Point Addis. It was flying in the same vicinity as two White-capped Albatrosses, several hundred metres off the point.
  • An Olive-backed Oriole in Anglesea.
  • Four cygnets at the Allan Noble Sanctuary in Aireys Inlet.

This is such a nice time of year, with so many  of our birds engaged in nesting, either building nests or feeding young. It is also high-risk time for any young animal that may venture onto the road.  In particular, too many young Magpies are hurt and killed in this way.  I suppose we can try and be more aware of the increased probability of animals on the roads at this time of year, and drive accordingly.

Kaye and Mike Trayner