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This was a one-way leisurely ramble along part of the Surf Coast walk.

After parking in Purnell Street, we initially diverted to an area near the sewerage plant where there were a few small Feather-heads Ptilotus macrocephalus in flower.



This is not a good year for them but this is the only place they grow in our district and many people had not seen them before.

Moving on, we saw that many of the heathland plants had finished flowering, but a special delight were the rich blues and purples of the lovely three-petalled flowers of the Purple-flags Patersonia, and the delicate dangling Flax-lilies Dianellas.





We were disappointed that the Sun Orchids had all finished flowering and, in fact, we saw only one orchid for the whole walk, Notched Onion Orchid Microtis arenaria.

The orchid!

The orchid!

On the climb up to the scout camp we were amazed to see a Grass-tree Xanthorrhoea with an old spike which must have been at least six metres high.

It's taller than me!

It’s taller than me!

Everyone enjoyed the wonderful view at the top looking towards Anglesea, Aireys Inlet, and Lorne, and more views as we walked on further.

What a view

What a view

An unexpected sighting was a large number of White-necked Herons flying over.

White-necked Heron

White-necked Heron

There was some more heathland near Hurst Road and a couple of us lingered behind in the hope of seeing or hearing the delightful, but elusive, Emu-wrens. Unsurprisingly, there were none on view, but we enjoyed seeing the white flowers of Teatree Leptospermum which carpeted the heathland, and a stunning Imperial Jezebel butterfly fluttering through the Teatree flowers.

No Emu-wrens but lovely heath

No Emu-wrens but lovely heath

Imperial Jezebel

Imperial Jezebel

After this there was yet another gorgeous view, this time towards Point Addis.

The end is in sight!

The end is in sight!

On the climb down to the beach we saw stands of very old Ironbark  Eucalyptus tricarpa and Messmate Eucalyptus obliqua twisted into wonderful shapes.

Enchanted forest

Enchanted forest

The final stage was the walk along the pounding surf beach to Point Addis.

Brown's cows

Brown’s cows

What a beach

What a beach

We ended the walk with a leisurely lunch in the sun at the base of the cliffs.

Leisurely lunch in the sun

Leisurely lunch in the sun

After this, one intrepid member decided to walk back to Anglesea, while the rest of us took the easy option of driving back.

Ellinor Campbell and Angela  Chynoweth