On May 16, 2011 a group of 10 set out at the start of Ixodia Track to enjoy the natural beauty of the bushland, and to up-date the plant lists for this area.
At the start of the track there were still remains of a large stand of Ixodia achillaeoides, an upright shrub with narrow green leaves (young plants have slightly sticky leaves) and thick seed-heads, some still with their distinctive white papery bracts. This plant has a long flowering period.
An obvious avenue of gums, clearly made up of an introduced species, with pale yellowish-cream bark runs parallel to the track on the GOR side of the road. These gums are probably a type of Sugar Gum.
Several other gums were seen including the endemic Anglesea Grey Gum Eucalyptus litoralis, a smallish tree with long tapering leaves(18-35cm) as well as the Brown Stringy-bark and the Messmate Gum Eucalyptus obliqua, a tall tree with thick dark green asymmetrical curved leaves. The base of the leaf is oblique.
Several wattles were seen including Sweet Wattle Acacia suaveolens with its pale yellow fluffy flowers, the Golden Wattle Acacia pycnantha and the Myrtle Wattle Acacia myrtifolia, a compact shrub. The latter two will be in flower in August.
Common Heath Epacris impressa a pretty plant with flowers in shades of pink as well white flowers dotted the area. The outstanding plant at this time is the Common Correa Correa reflexa with its narrow red with greenish-tipped flowers.
May and June are good months to see many and varied fungi including the Horse-dropping Fungi, Slime Moulds, mosses and lichens, all of which all add colour to the area.
Finding a little Comb-fern Schizaea bifida was exciting.
Scattered specimens of Thatch Saw-sedge Gahnia radula displaying black-brown plumed flower-heads are always a delight to see.
We had a GPS on the walk so that we could accurately plot any plants of the notorious Boneseed Chrysanthemoides monilifera, but it was conspicuous by its absence, well done weeders.
Philippa Hesterman