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After a week of very high temperatures, and with the forecast predicting another very hot day, the small group of members who came along on the Angair Nature Ramble on March 11 explored an area known familiarly as ‘Jacks Patch’ near the roundabout by the Anglesea River.

This was an area that Jack Hurst, one of our valued Angair members, always loved to visit. Unfortunately it had been very badly neglected for many years with environmental weeds choking out the indigenous vegetation. The Surf Coast Shire has recently carried out major weed removal work in the area, and we must let Jack know that he can once again visit this site. There is still a great deal of follow-up work required, but at least there is now access into the area.

We listed 30 indigenous species and 16 introduced species that are classified as environmental weeds. Carl made his list for the weeding group to attack later in the year.


The Shire had to cut a wide track through the vegetation to enable machinery required for the weed removal to enter the site.

Pine log

A large pine tree Pinus radiata had been growing undisturbed there for many years – we counted at least 300 rings where the trunk had been cut.

Red Fruit Saw-Sedge

A great stand of  Red Fruit Saw-sedge Gahnia sieberiana provided a spectacular frame to the group photo. We were pleased Polly had joined us – we had not seen her for a long time.

Coral Fern

Although some of the water ferns seemed to have disappeared, the Scrambling Coral Fern was still spectacular.

Manna Gums

We decided the eucalypts were mainly Manna Gums Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. viminalis.  The bark was very rough on the trunk but it was not persistent on the upper branches. The buds were in groups of 3-7.


There were still plenty of weeds.  A species of Honeysuckle draped over the indigenous vegetation.

Bluebell creeper

Bluebell Creeper with its new name of Billardieri humifusum.


Roma couldn’t resist pulling up some of the Bluebell Creeper.

Yes it did get hot as had been forecast, and we were pleased to retreat to the Angair rooms before 11am for morning tea.

Margaret MacDonald