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Nine people met at Aireys Inlet and checking the radar it seemed there would be little rain despite the downpours overnight. We made our way to Wye River and after a quick morning tea we started the walk from Separation Creek.

groupstartGroup at start of walk

A series of steep steps led to a lookout back over the ocean and township. It wasn’t far along the track before we started noticing freshly emerging fungi of all types.

hypholomaaustralianumHypholoma australianum

Mycena sp.

orangepingpongbatUnderside of Orange ping pong bat

This slowed us down as we tried to identify them. About 25 species were observed.

vermilliongrisetteVermillion Grisette

wineglassfungusWine Glass Fungus

About half-way along the track, at the Bogalley Creek crossing which is normally crossed easily, the recent rain had made it impossible to continue. The fast-flowing water had flooded the area and the stepping stones, and the first steps on the other side were well under water.

paulgretelPaul and Gretel looking at creek crossing

There was no other choice but to return the way we had come. It was a pleasant walk back and we drove back to Jamieson camp where we enjoyed a late lunch and the view and explored the as yet unopened campground.

Lunch at the lookout

We hope it will open soon and the amazing facilities used. It would make a good base for a Friends campout. Birds seen included Yellow Robin, Red-browed Finches, Bristlebird, Eastern Spinebill, Grey Shrike-thrush, White-browed and Brown Thornbills, Grey Fantail, Crimson Rosella, Superb Fairywren, New Holland Honeyeater and some strange behaviour from a male Satin Bowerbird which seemed to be chasing a persistent Red Wattlebird away from a tree.

Despite not completing the whole track it was an enjoyable day out and perhaps we will return in Spring when the wattles are in flower.

Alison Watson