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Parks Victoria returned late last month to the Ironbark Basin, Eumeralla, Point Addis and some Anglesea Heath areas for a second go at ridding the areas of feral deer.

Parks Vic’s deer program coordinator for the west region, Carlie Bronk, said the program will now move further north and west into the Great Otway National Park towards Breakfast Creek, Wensleydale and the back of Aireys Inlet. She hopes the program will be finished by mid-October.

But the deer will still be around as their numbers are increasing throughout Victoria. Knowing where the pests are is important information for control. You can help by downloading the Feral Scan Pest Mapping app free from the AppStore store or Google Playstore and from here

Deer Scan appThe records are then retrieved by Parks Vic. The app also records feral pigs, cats, foxes, rabbits and other invasive pests.

Devon Downey