Have you been wondering why yellow crosses have appeared on some trees recently? The Angair Management Committee has been briefed by DELWP/Parks Vic on the latest developments in fire safety along the Surf Coast.
Towns along the Surf Coast have strategic fire breaks that have been in place for about 10 years. These breaks, which are mostly sited on the bush/town interface, are 40 metres wide and are mowed/mulched each year to give some protection in the case of bushfires. There has been a large amount of multi-agency planning work recently so that the breaks can be extended and provide safer exits on key roads by removing hazardous trees and shrubs—those with yellow crosses. This protects both residents and firefighters. Cultural heritage and biodiversity values are thoroughly considered in the planning process.
The maps below show details of additional works planned for Aireys Inlet and Anglesea.
Demonstration breaks in Anglesea, Aireys Inlet and Lorne will be conducted in November to give the community an opportunity to see what these breaks will look like before the full program commences.
More information about the location of these demonstration breaks, detailed maps as well as additional fact sheets can be obtained by clicking on the link Strategic Fuel Breaks – Further Info. All residents are recommended to sign up for the automated notification system through Planned Burns Victoria
Anglesea Strategic Fuel Breaks
Aireys Inlet to Eastern View Strategic Fuel Breaks
Below is an interesting link to Fire and Rain Conversations webinars which contains information from experts on fire behaviour as well as how to adapt to and live in bushfire-prone environments. https://www.fireandrainconversations.org/ All the webinars are now online. The links are as follows:
Session 1 https://youtu.be/GxFquW-UqZM
Session 2 https://youtu.be/FP-J9c0IZyc
Session 3 https://youtu.be/-px8kOysTlU
or go to: http://www.friendsoflorne.org.au/includes/pages/news_ed_page.html