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In early July we had a working bee at the Mary D White Heathland Reserve.

The reserve is located on the north side of the Great Ocean Road opposite the Guvvo’s Beach car park. This is a very special area of coastal heathland and it is disappointing to see Coast Tea-tree and Boneseed appearing in some places.

Mary White, who was an early member of Angair, was an expert on our local flora, publishing books, identifying rare and threatened plants and campaigning to protect our significant vegetation.

In the early 1990s the ‘Keep the Ocean Road Great’ fund-raising campaign was initiated by Angair as a result of private land on the western fringe of Anglesea becoming available for sale. Subsequently, the current Heathland Reserve area was purchased, returned to public ownership and incorporated into the Great Otway National Park.

It was named the Mary D White Heathland Reserve in recognition of Mary’s lifelong commitment to conservation of the local environment and public ownership of important heathland.

Carl Rayner