It was a hot, sunny day when a group of us went on the December Nature Ramble. It was too hot for the birds, as we had a bird count of one, a Superb Fairy Wren!
We spent time at two sites in the GONP, both of which had some interesting flowers which were out on that day. The first that caught our eye was the Blue-spike Milkwort, Comesperma calymega, almost hidden in the vegetation.
Blue-spike Milkwort
A treat and new for some was the Horned Orchid, Orthoceras strictum, standing tall and proud above the foliage.
Horned Orchid
In the same area were the remains of the Blotched Sun Orchid, Thelymitra benthamiana.
Blotched Sun Orchid
At the next site were a few Flying Duck Orchids, Caleana major, but no sign of the Small Duck Orchid unfortunately.
Flying Duck Orchid
One surprise was the Forked Comb Fern, Schizaea bifida, looking very lonely in the dry gravel. Rarely seen, this fern has fronds very close together which resemble eye lashes coming from the back of the comb.
Forked Comb Fern
We were pleased to see lots of Teatree in flower, but had trouble deciding which species of Leptospermum they were.
Christine Morrissey
Photos by Rob Shepherd