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Here are some research articles using data from the Anglesea kangaroos, for your reading pleasure and education:

Roo town slow down: a community-based kangaroo management plan for Anglesea, Victoria
Danielle Inwood, Helen Catanchin and Graeme Coulson

Do collars and ear tags affect the behaviour of Eastern Grey Kangaroos?
Katrina Sofo
University of Melbourne Master of Environment project

Deslorelin implants in free-ranging female eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus): mechanism of action and contraceptive efficacy
Michelle E. Wilson, Graeme Coulson, Geoff Shaw and Marilyn B. Renfree
Wildlife Research, 2013, 40, 403-412

Citizen science: recruiting residents for studies of tagged urban wildlife
Raoul A. Mulder, Patrick-Jean Guay, Michelle Wilson and Graeme Coulson
Wildlife Research, 2010, 37, 440-446

A capture technique for free-ranging eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) habituated to humans
W.J. King, M.E. Wilson. T. Allen, M. Festa-Bianchet and G. Coulson
Australian Mammalogy, 2011, 33, 47-51

Offspring sex, current and previous reproduction affect feeding behaviour in wild eastern grey kangaroos
Uriel Gelin, Michelle E. Wilson, Graeme M. Coulson, Marco Festa-Bianchet
Animal Behaviour 86 (2013) 885-891

Hopping Down the Main Street: Eastern Grey Kangaroos at Home in an Urban Matrix
Graeme Coulson, Jemma K. Cripps and Michelle E. Wilson
Animals 2014, 4, 272-291

Experimental manipulation reveals few subclinical impacts of a parasite community in juvenile kangaroos
Jemma K. Cripps, Ian Bevereidge, Richard Ploeg, Graeme Coulson
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 3 (2014) 88-94