We had a perfect spring day for our walk on the north section of Salt Creek Track – which would usually have been on the day of the AFL Grand Final.
Four newcomers joined us, which was great, and perhaps a direct outcome of the Angair show the previous weekend.
The first section of the walk was a challenge as we had to negotiate felled trees that attempted to prevent trail bikes using the track, as well as those made alongside the track due to the replanting of indigenous vegetation.
After overcoming the hurdles, the walkers admired a number of performing Imperial Jezebel butterflies during morning tea.
The stunning and diverse vegetation delighted 3 Angair members and 2 newcomers.
The walk was pleasant along the ridge line with distant views of the ocean and other ridges covered in trees – and how delightful that there was no plume from the closed coal mine. Beautiful flowers and some orchids held our interest as we headed down steeply into a shaded valley for lunch. During our lunch-break Nick spotted the remains of an owl – hopefully the beak (perhaps of a Frogmouth?) will be identified soon.
The steep downhill part of the track towards our lunch break.
Walkers found various ‘perches’ to sit on for the lunch break.
We completed a loop around the valley and then joined the same track back to the cars. Daviesia brevifolia (Leafless Bitter-pea) was in stunning flower display, along with other pea flowers. The walk finished on time at 2.30pm !
Rod Brooks, our Angair website expert (who kindly volunteers his time and expertise), observing an unusual area of dead foliage along the generally beautiful track and vegetation.
Leaders, Penne Kwiat and Lynn Bunning