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We did this walk of about 9km on an ideal day.  Although the wind got up as the day went on, the sun shone and made everything sparkle.

The views of the beaches from Bird Rock on Half Moon Bay, at Winkiepop, Bells Beach and Southside were very special.  The waves were relatively large and they rolled in evenly allowing virtuoso performances by some of the surfers.

We were impressed by the good work done by the surfers along this foreshore.  Despite the large areas of car park, the walk between Jan Juc and Bells Beach is generally edged by revegetation areas of Moonahs and Pomaderris.

Our lunch spot was high above the beaches on the paraglider launching spot. It was peaceful and secluded.  From here we walked down into the Jarocite mining area and looked at the old well, before making our way up through the Iron Bark Basin to Pt Addis Road.

We did not see any ‘hidden treasures like rare orchids, echidnas and reptiles’, mentioned on the Surf Coast Walk notes, but this walk is rightly one of Angair’s favourite walks.

Dot Hutton