Angair’s annual Wildflower Weekend and Art Show was held on 19 and 20 September 2009 and it was one of the most successful ever. More people attended the Show this year than in 2008, and were were pleased to see more young people and children attending. The bus tours and walks were fully booked and everyone seemed to enjoy our beautiful, indigenous flowers, which put on a very colourful display.
The ‘smoking ceremony’ held to open the Wildflower Show was very popular and an appropriate way to acknowledge the traditional owners, the Wathaurong people.
- Helen Tutt, the Wildflower Show coordinator, who spend many months planning and organising all aspects of the show. Also thanks to her assistants Barbara Beaumont and Margot Matthews, and Katrina Tipping for her work on the Art Show.
- Regina Gleeson, who organised the ‘Family Fun Challenge’ for the primary school children
- Mike McCaffrey for the striking posters and flyers used to advertise the Wildflower Show
- the nearly 100 members whose hard work before and during the show contributed to its success
- everyone who contributed books to the Secondhand Book Stall at the show which, again, raised valuable funds for our organisation. Special mention to the Sutherland, Jacobs and Westcott families and to Jenny A. Smith who once again provided Birds of South-eastern Australia for us to sell.
- David Tournier for his time, knowledge and education about the Wathaurong people and their customs.