Australian citizen scientists are coordinating a southern hemisphere event for September 25–September 8, 2020.
Participants will be asked to submit nature observations taken during the four days using iNaturalist. Nature lovers are encouraged to participate in their local area, particularly their own backyards if COVID restrictions are in place.
In April 2020, four cities within Australia participated in the international City Nature Challenge bioblitz event. The event, held in April, is not the best time of the year for southern hemisphere cities compared with locations in the north. In response to this, the collective Australian organisers have decided to run a spring bioblitz in 2020 for the southern hemisphere, and to include regional and rural locations using iNaturalist. The Surf Coast region already has a project ready to go; we just need observers like you to participate and help show off the local biodiversity. Local environmental educator and iNaturalist user Possum Pete will run instructional Zoom meetings to show you how to use this great online database.
iNaturalist Australia is under the control and responsibility of the Atlas of Living Australia. iNaturalist is a joint initiative by the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society.
The Great Southern Bioblitz observations commence on Friday 25 September and will conclude at midnight Monday 28 September 2020.
For more information please visit