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Due to the coronavirus pandemic our numbers were limited to 10 participants for this activity. However as the Wildflower Walk is such a popular event we decided we could organise two different walks in close proximity through the magnificent Anglesea coastal heathlands. Even then there were some disappointed members who could not be included within the two groups.

After the forecast of rough weather we were rewarded with a lovely morning, and members were pleased to once again have good company and certainly a feast of orchids and other flowers to admire. A plant list was compiled on the Mt Ingoldsby/Coastal Track with over 100 species being listed.

sideoftrackExploring the sides of the track

diebackUnfortunately, Dieback amongst the Grasstrees

Both groups identified over 10 species of terrestrial orchids, and although there was not enough sun to convince the sun orchids to open there were many other species to observe – Mantis Orchids, Large White Spider Orchids and hybrids between these two species, Donkey Orchids, White Fingers and both the Southern Bearded and the Large Bearded Greenhood. It is interesting to compare and contrast these two species.

Walking through a field of flowers

The beauty of the other flowers had people searching in our flower guides as they looked closely at the varying colours of some of the plants – pink Leptospermum myrsinoides, yellow Dianella admixta, bright orange Platylobium obtusangulum, deep red Pultenaea humilis.

silkyteatreeAm I pink or white Silky Tea-tree?


yellowdianellaYellow Dianella

Surely they were trying to confuse us. Other faithfuls were there in their usual colours, and the mass tapestry of flowers was a delight to see.

Masses of pink Paper Flower

As we walked the tracks there were expansive views towards the lighthouse and the two groups waved to each other across the gully – both groups enjoying lunch on the side of the tracks.

Lunch time on side of track

A black raven was very demanding at lunch time – it seemed as though it had done this before – was certainly not frightened of people.

Raven demanding attention

It was a successful walk with the challenge of numbers being catered for – the Anglesea heathlands are just so rich in their indigenous vegetation.

viewView across heathland to Aireys Inlet

coastalpathCoastal path through flowers to the ocean

Ros, recording the species

Margaret MacDonald