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On arrival at Sokil, a private camp named after a falcon found in the Carpathian Mountains of Western Ukraine, we were welcomed by the manager and some King Parrots.

A total of 26 birds were identified (full list below).

Then one of the first winged creatures to gain our attention was a beautiful Imperial Jezebel butterfly, which stayed still for several minutes so we could all have a close look.

Imperial Jezebel butterfly

Imperial Jezebel butterfly

We saw several species of birds, including Yellow-faced Honeyeaters, around the grassed cabin areas before moving on to the creek and forest area.

Sokiil cabin area

Sokiil cabin area

There it is...

There it is…

Near the creek

Near the creek

In the forest

In the forest

We were entranced by the singing of several cuckoos and Whistlers, and then the sight of a pair of Rufous Whistlers who appeared to be starting to build a nest in a Mistletoe.

See the Rufous Whistler in the Mistletoe?

See the Rufous Whistler in the Mistletoe?

There were several distractions, including some lovely flowers which were different from our area, and hearty drumming emanating from the large hall.

Are we looking at flowers or birds?

Are we looking at flowers or birds?

We're looking at flowers

We’re looking at flowers

Fortunately we did not need to understand the signs as the pathways were well defined.

Which way?

Which way?

We finished by walking back along the road and over Breakfast Creek Bridge.

Breakfast Creek Road

Breakfast Creek Road

Big tree at the bridge

Big tree at the bridge

On the way back we stopped for morning tea at Distillery Creek Picnic grounds and were pleased to see and hear a couple of Gang-gang Cockatoos as they flew by.

Morning tea at Distillery Creek

Morning tea at Distillery Creek

Below are all the birds identified on this walk:

SOKIL and Breakfast Creek Road

  1. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
  2. Australian King Parrot
  3. Crimson Rosella
  4. Horsefield’s Bronze-Cuckoo
  5. Shining Bronze-Cuckoo
  6. Fan-tailed Cuckoo
  7. Laughing Kookaburra
  8. White-throated Treecreeper
  9. Superb Fairy-wren
  10. White-browed Scrubwren
  11. Yellow-faced Honeyeater
  12. White-eared Honeyeater
  13. Red Wattlebird
  14. New Holland Honeyeater
  15. White-naped Honeyeater
  16. Brown Thornbill
  17. Golden Whistler
  18. Rufous Whistler
  19. Grey Shrike-thrush
  20. Australian Magpie
  21. Pied Currawong
  22. Grey Fantail
  23. Eastern Yellow Robin
  24. Silvereye
  25. Welcome Swallow

Distillery Creek

26.  Gang-gang Cockatoo