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Although the week preceding our walk on June 9 had been wet and windy, the eight people who came along to the Anglesea River site were pleased to see that the wild weather had abated and the conditions were quite calm although from time to time some fine mist fell.

The vegetation looked so fresh after the rain, and the puddles on the ground encouraged bird life on the track as we walked along.

Group walking along track

Margaret Lacey, a keen bird photographer, had joined the group with her new camera.

Marg with camera

Marg with camera

Despite having to put the camera away from time to time due to the falling misty rain and the dull conditions that were not conducive to photography, Marg nevertheless managed some great bird photographs to share with you.

An inquisitive Eastern Yellow Robin that followed us as we walked along.

A very handsome White-throated Treecreeper was admired as it climbed the tree trunk in search of food.

White-throated Treecreeper

White-throated Treecreeper

A regular inhabitant of the woodland vegetation – The Grey Shrike-thrush serenaded us from the tree tops.

Grey Shrike-thrush

Grey Shrike-thrush

And a cheerful little Scarlet Robin displayed his red, black and white plumage – such beauty on such a dull day.

Scarlet Robin

Scarlet Robin

There was also a variety of fungi to admire – some large, some quite small.

Fungi Fungi Fungi



The track ended at the Anglesea River where we managed to see a Little Pied Cormorant, Swamphen, Spurwinged Plover and in the distance ‘Could that possibly be a White Goshawk? Who knows!

Group looking into river

Group looking into river

As we walked back through the Riparian Woodland area the weather was breaking, and the majority of the group made their way quickly back to the cars.  Phil took his time and was rewarded with a viewing of an Emu Wren – perhaps next time we will all be lucky.

Margaret MacDonald

Below are all the birds identified on this walk:

  1. Crimson Rosella
  2. Laughing Kookaburra
  3. White-throated Treecreeper
  4. Superb Fairy-wren
  5. White-browed Scrubwren
  6. White-eared Honeyeater
  7. New Holland Honeyeater
  8. White-naped Honeyeater
  9. Golden Whistler
  10. Australian Magpie
  11. Pied Currawong
  12. Grey Fantail
  13. Eastern Yellow Robin
  14. Little Raven
  15. Shrike Thrush
  16. Wattlebird
  17. Scarlet Robin
  18. Spurwinged Plover
  19. Swamphen
  20. Little Pied Comorant
  21. White Goshawk (possible)
  22. Southern Emu-wren