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At the intersection of Bald Hills Rd and Alcoa Boundary Track we quietly observed the surrounding heathland for Southern Emu-wrens before slowly making our way up the Boundary Track hill.

There was no wind initially, good conditions for a sighting, but all was quiet. At the top of the hill there were good views across to the mine site and we were aware that an extension of the mine would take over the area were standing in.


We found a male Scarlet Robin and great views of two Blue-winged Parrots.  Everyone enjoyed the masses of pink flowering Calytrix, lots of Fringe LiIlies opening up in the sun, and Smoke-bush.

Calytrix Fringe Lily

Back down the hill we heard and then saw a male Satin Flycatcher in roadside trees. Amongst the heath on the west side of the road we found the Striated Fieldwren, with its beautiful striped front and flicked up tail, perching for short moments on the top branches of shrubs.

Bald Hills

The excursion concluded with morning tea on the roadside in the hope of an Emu-wren sighting but it was not to be. We were happy with the total of 17 species and a lovely morning in spectacular heath country.


Alison and Phil Watson

PS The following day two Southern Emu-wrens were found in similar habitat on Haggarts Track.

Below are all the birds identified on this walk:

  1. Brown Goshawk
  2. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
  3. Blue-winged Parrot
  4. Horsfield’s Bronze-cuckoo
  5. Laughing Kookaburra
  6. Superb Fairy-wren
  7. Striated Fieldwren
  8. Brown Thornbill
  9. White-eared Honeyeater
  10. Red Wattlebird
  11. Rufous Whistler
  12. Grey Shrike-thrush
  13. Grey Fantail
  14. Little Raven
  15. Satin Flycatcher
  16. Scarlet Robin
  17. Silvereye