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Veined Helmet Orchid colony
Orchids in August Orchids

Orchids in August

Despite reasonable rainfall, the cold, wintry weather has not encouraged our terrestrial orchids to flower. However, one species, a particular favourite of mine, the Veined…
24 July 2018
Fringed Hare Orchid leaves
Orchids in June Orchids

Orchids in June

Well the long awaited-for rains have fallen in early May, and the conditions for our terrestrial orchids look promising. Tiny Greenhoods, Pterosylis parviflora, that had…
6 June 2018
Parson's Bands
Orchids in May Orchids

Orchids in May

With orchid reports coming in from other areas showing very little activity in the orchid world, we can be grateful that the Anglesea district always…
3 May 2018