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Our heathlands are alive with the colours and scents of spring. Along the clifftops the fragrance can be almost overpowering. Many bushes are covered in the vigorous climber, Small-leaved Clematis, Clematis microphylla, with its four-petalled starry cream flowers. The male plants have spreading petals and short yellow stamens, the female plants modest drooping flowers.

Coast Beard-heath, Leucopogon parviflorus, is also contributing its sweet aroma from erect spikes of white, five-petalled flowers. A close look reveals the hairy, fluffy petals which give rise to its common name.

Common Beard-heath

Common Beard-heath

The Common Beard-heath, Leucopogon virgatus, a smaller plant with narrow, pointed leaves, is a feature of the heathlands. There is a lot of yellow with the wattles, and the three species of guinea-flower, Hibbertia. Other highlights are the blue pea flowers of the delightful low Common Hovea, Hovea heterophylla, and the striking lilac-pink of the Pink Bells, Tetratheca ciliata. So much to enjoy.

Common Hovea

Common Hovea

Ellinor Campbell